Acai Juice Reduces Joint Pain and Improves Mobility

New research suggests that drinking a small glass of acai juice each day may help someone’s health overall. It may reduce joint pain, improve joint mobility, and increase blood antioxidant levels. Dr. Gitte Jensen and colleagues enrolled 14 older adults with chronic joint pain to participate in their study. Participants were asked to drink 120 ml of an acai berry drink each day for 3-months.

After just 2 weeks, blood antioxidant levels showed improvement, and they continued to do so for the duration of the study.  The final results did reveal a decline in measurements of joint pain and improvements. These improvements are in the range of motion of the spine and reduce joint pain and other extremities. However, no statistically significant improvements in markers of inflammation. The potent antioxidant properties of açai berries are due to their high level of anthocyanins.

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